Friday, October 16, 2009

The Essence of Who We Are

Couldn't have said it better myself. Now if only we can get politicians and the people holding the purse strings to agree...

"Specifically, a generation raised without awareness of the arts, without the opportunity to experience the arts themselves by making music, making drawings, making poems, is a disenfranchised one. Art is the essence of who we are and our society is strengthened whenever young people are given the opportunity to directly share this legacy." Read more at:

Friday, October 09, 2009

National Arts and Humanities Month

Visit the Americans for the Arts home page below to find out how you can celebrate the arts during the month of October (and all year round). If you're a parent, make sure your school is doing something to support the arts. As an employee, you can suggest that your company supports the arts, perhaps by sponsoring an event or an artist. Every little bit helps!

What is National Arts and Humanities Month?National Arts and Humanities Month (NAHM) is a coast-to-coast collective celebration of culture in America. Held every October and coordinated by Americans for the Arts, it is the largest annual celebration of the arts and humanities in the nation. From arts center open houses to mayoral proclamations to banners and media coverage, communities across the United States join together to recognize the importance of arts and culture in our daily lives.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Once Again, Arts Programming Needs Help in Schools

Research supports the fact that children who have arts programs in their education do better overall than children who do not. Even so, the arts are still though of as "only if we have the money" programs. So, this type of news story will continue to appear until we all get the message.

People in Utah, this is a woman that needs your help.

"According to a September 22 press release by the Friends of Art Works for Kids, the Utah State Legislature in 2008 voted to fund the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program. Under the direction of the Utah Arts Council, the program provides quality integrated arts instruction to more than 50 elementary schools in 20 districts across Utah. It currently serves approximately 30,000 students.

Sorenson's goal is to see arts education in every elementary school in Utah."